11 Great Books To Read…Things I Wish I’d Known Before We Got Married (11 buku2x hebat yg harus dimiliki & dibaca,PRAKTIK)

The Marriage You’ve Always Wanted

Dr. Chapman has helped millions of couples toward true unity and oneness. With his unique brand of humor, insight, groundbreaking revelations and straightforward common sense, he can help you build the marriage you’ve always wanted, too.

Things I Wish I’d Known Before We Got Married

Dr. Gary Chapman believes that divorce is the lack of preparation for marriage and the failure to learn the skills of working together as intimate teammates. This practical book is packed with wisdom and tips to develop a loving, supportive and mutually beneficial marriage. It’s the type of information Gary himself wished he had before he got married.

The 5 Love Languages®

What if you could say or do just the right thing guaranteed to make that special someone feel loved? The secret is learning the right love language! Millions of couples have learned the simple way to express their feelings and bring joy back into marriage: The 5 Love Languages, Dr. Gary Chapman’sNew York Times bestseller!

The 5 Love Languages of Children

Primary love languages begin to take shape at an early age in children—but the need to feel loved begins and grows right away. With Dr. Ross Campbell’s expertise in child development, Dr. Gary Chapman applies his love languages concept to children. Learn to strengthen the bond you and your children share by speaking their language.

The 5 Love Languages of Teenagers

Teens and parents often speak different languages—but the challenge goes beyond jargon and teen slang. Teens also develop strong love languages too, often without the ability to control or express their feelings. Dr. Chapman’s trusted Love Language approach will assist you in guiding today’s teen to effective emotional communication.

The Five Love Languages, Singles Edition

The need to feel loved isn’t confined to marriage or even romance—everyone has a desire to be fulfilled by meaningful relationships and unconditional love. Love languages manifest in friendships, the workplace, in families, and in just about every human connection. Insightful, practical, and written with the unique perspective of singles in mind.


When anger explodes out of control, it can cause irreparable damage; buried, unresolved anger can be just as destructive. So how can we survive the countless triggers to your anger without blowing up or breaking down? Bestselling author and relationship expert Gary Chapman reveals some surprising insights into this powerful emotion and techniques for managing anger in a healthy, productive way.

The 5 Love Languages of Children Primary love languages begin to take shape at an early age in children—but the need to feel loved begins and grows right away. With Dr. Ross Campbell’s expertise in child development, Dr. Gary Chapman applies his love languages concept to children. Learn to strengthen the bond you and your children share by speaking their language.

The Marriage You’ve Always Wanted Dr. Chapman has helped millions of couples toward true unity and oneness. With his unique brand of humor, insight, groundbreaking revelations and straightforward common sense, he can help you build the marriage you’ve always wanted, too.

Moral Values for MY KIDS : A Necessary Part of the Curriculum. From the age infant and before they reach 12 years old.

My Personal reminder and just for sharing to those people that I care.

 Why Teach Moral Values

When most people talk about a school curriculum, they think about math, science, social studies, and language courses. Seldom do I hear or read about moral values as being part of the curriculum. The problem is that the neglect of teaching moral values in schools is hurting our students and causing problems in society. If a person has never learned any moral values, how is she or he able to discern the difference between right and wrong? That is basically the essence of moral values education.

Why Moral Values for Students?

  As parents and educators, we should all advocate the teaching of moral values in our schools for the following reasons:

1. Preparing Our Children For Future Roles In Society:

Knowledge gained in school is only one goal of education. The primary goals of education should be enabling students to gain knowledge and moral values. Our kids will need both in preparing themselves to be good parents and citizens in society.

2. Many Parents Aren’t Teaching Moral Values:

If all parents were teaching their children moral values in the home, it would not be necessary for the schools to do this work, The sad fact is that a lot of kids are not learning from their parents the difference between right and wrong. This is because most mothers and fathers in their busy work days spend only a few hours with their children. In many families there is only one parent and no other role models for kids to follow.

3. There is Too Much Violence and Dishonesty in Society:

Every day students are exposed to violence, dishonesty, and other social problems in the media and the real world. How many times have we heard about school shootings? What about other times when students are caught cheating on exams? Then, too, we read about bullying in school and fights between gangs. If moral values were taught in schools, we would have fewer of these problems.

4. To Counter Bad Influences in Society:

Unfortunately, many of the role models of young people are setting bad examples. These bad examples range from sexual promiscuity, degrading of women, advocacy of violence, and the condoning of dishonesty in order to succeed.

5. Moral Values Will Stick With You For Life:

It’s amazing the amount of math and science knowledge I have forgotten since my school days. I haven’t, however, forgotten moral value lessons learned in school. One of these moral lessons was learned while I was a varsity football player. Our team had just lost a tough game, because the referee had ruled we were stopped inches away from scoring a touchdown. When our school principal had heard a lot of my teammates complaining about how the officiating had caused us to lose the game, he came on the team bus after the game and said that in life the referee never beats you.

Top Seven Moral Values:

It would serve society well if the following seven moral values for students were taught in educational institutions:

1. Unconditional Love and Kindness:

In most cases, if you love someone, he or she will love you back in return. This, however, is not the real meaning of love. Love should be unconditional. With more love in the world, kindness will follow and replace cruelty.

2. Honesty:

Students must be taught that dishonesty and cheating is wrong, and will get you nowhere in the future. As a student, one is only hurting himself or herself by cheating, because this action will eventually catch up to you in the end with bad consequences.

3. Hard Work:

When I was young, I learned that success was one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. Nowadays, so many students want to cheat and cut corners in their studies, because they are lazy and don’t place any value on hard word. This thinking must change.

4. Respect For Others:

Unfortunately, in our highly competitive dog eat dog society, many people will trod on others to get ahead in life. Respect for others should include respecting different religions, races, sexes, ideas, and life styles.

5. Co-operation:

To achieve a common goal, it is necessary for all people to work together. If this is not done, a few people may profit, but the end result for everyone will be a failure. I still believe in the motto, “united we stand and divided we fall.”

6. Compassion:

Compassion is defined as being sensitive to the needs of people. If there were more compassion in the world, there would be less homeless, hunger, wars, and unhappiness.

7. Forgiveness:

Muhammad SAW and Jesus Christ taught us to forgive our enemies or people who hurt us. Anger in most cases is caused by an unwillingness to forgive. There would be less violence and fighting in school if students could learn this moral virtue.

I teach in a Catholic school in Thailand, and learning moral values is built into all of our lessons. Actually, ten percent of the student’s grade is based on how well she practices moral values inside and outside the classroom. This would be an excellent policy for other schools to adopt.

by Paul Kuehn

Jujur sebagai orang tua (Ibu Bapa) kami lebih menaruh perhatian pada pembentukan karakter anak daripada kemampuan akademis. 

Diri saya sendiri, adalah hasil dari system pendidikan yang lama…cepat tersinggung,cepat emosi,mudah marah,kurang empati…

Alasan kami memilih anak-anak kami bersekolah dirumah (Home School) karena ingin mengembangkan hubungan yang lebih dalam dengan anak-anak kita dan menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu ikatan sebagai sebuah keluarga. Dan kami ingin memiliki lebih banyak kesempatan untuk menyampaikan, kami nilai moral,perinsip dan kepercayaan. Semoga Tuhan memberkati saya dan keluarga saya dalam pengembaraan Home School kami!

The reason we prefer home school because want to develop deeper relationships with our children and spend more time bonding as a family. And we want to have more of an opportunity to pass on our morals, values and beliefs.May God bless me and my family in our homeschool adventure!


My dear beloved children …Amiel Hakim,Aidan Uziel and Ainun Rina Baba & Mama want you to know there was a reason why you are here in this world. And you have to find out what that reason is for yourself. •Baba and Mama will teach you how to pray/meditate. •Baba and Mama Never, Ever want you to worry about making a living. If you unable to make a living when you grow up. Baba and Mama will provide for you, so don’t you worry about that. •Baba and Mama don’t want you to focus on doing well in school. •Baba and Mama don’t want you to focus on getting the best grade or going to the best colleges. •What Baba and Mama really want you to focus on is “Asking yourself how you can Serve Humanity, and Asking yourself what your Unique Talents is. Because each of you have a Unique Talent that No One Else Has and you have a Special Way of Expressing that Talent, and No One Else has it. FOCUS ON WHAT YOU ARE HERE TO GIVE

Jujur sebagai orang tua (Ibu Bapa) kami lebih menaruh perhatian pada pembentukan karakter anak daripada kemampuan akademis. Diri saya sendiri, adalah hasil dari system pendidikan yang lama…cepat tersinggung,cepat emosi,mudah marah,kurang empati… Alasan kami memilih anak-anak kami bersekolah dirumah (Home School) karena ingin mengembangkan hubungan yang lebih dalam dengan anak-anak kita dan menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu ikatan sebagai sebuah keluarga. Dan kami ingin memiliki lebih banyak kesempatan untuk menyampaikan, kami nilai moral,perinsip dan kepercayaan. Semoga Tuhan memberkati saya dan keluarga saya dalam pengembaraan Home School kami! The reason we prefer home school because want to develop deeper relationships with our children and spend more time bonding as a family. And we want to have more of an opportunity to pass on our morals, values and beliefs.May God bless me and my family in our homeschool adventure!

Team work…:D



(Kebaikan) kindness+ (waktu@masa) time=lasting happiness (Kebahagiaan yg berpanjangan)….

Kita semua berusaha untuk kebahagiaan. Dalam Rumah tangga kita,pekerjaan kita, dalam hobi kita, dalam hidup kita.

Tapi jika kebahagiaan begitu penting, mengapa begitu singkat?

Saya mendengar jenaka yang bagus dan tertawa. Tapi itu tidak berlanjutan (tidak berpanjangan), senang untuk mendapatkan kenaikan gaji. Tapi itu tidak berlanjutan (tidak berpanjangan). Kita membaca sebuah blog inspirasi, merasa termotivasi, senang membuat perbedaan. Tapi itu tidak berlanjutan (Tidak berpanjangan)…Jadi bagaimana saya bisa mengubah kebahagiaan sekilas (sementara) ke dalam kebahagiaan abadi? Kebahagiaan abadi berasal dari dua hal secara bersamaan memberikan, waktu dan kebaikan.

Waktu – Beberapa tahun, saya telah melakukan tantangan pribadi,memberikan waktu saya setiap hari, melakukan dan di luar rutinitas normal saya untuk memberikan kembali kepada orang-orang dikomunitas lingkungan rumah saya, dan dunia. Dengan memberi, ia telah mengajarkan saya bahwa lebih banyak waktu saya berinvestasi dengan orang di sekitar saya, semakin kehidupan mereka ditingkatkan dan saya merasakan tujuan hidup saya lebih bermakna. Ini telah mengubah diri & hidup saya (walaupun halangan & dugaan tetap ada).

Kebaikan – Kebaikan adalah seni memberi(membantu) kepada orang lain.Adalah dengan cara memberikan perhatian, memberi senyuman atau cuma hanya mendengar masalah teman. Ini berarti memasukkan sebuah meteran parkir untuk orang asing. Ini berarti kemurahan hati. Ini berarti tidak mementingkan diri sendiri. Ini berarti mendengarkan ketika tidak ada orang lain yang akan mendengarkan. Seperti mendengarkan keluhan seorang wanita duduk di sebuah mal sendirian.

Ketika kita memberikan waktu kita dan ketika kita berbuat baik, kita berinvestasi pada orang. Kita berinvestasi dalam kebahagiaan orang lain. Sangat berbeda contoh jika kita memberi makan makan utk satu orang, atau lebih dua puluh. Ini adalah perbedaan antara menyumbangkan beberapa sayuran dari kebun kita, atau menyumbangkan banyak sayuran dengan melayani di kebun masyarakat. Ini adalah perbedaan antara memberikan kata baik, atau mendengarkan cerita-cerita orang untuk berjam2x yg lama.Semakin banyak waktu yang kita berikan, tetap ramah, kita akan memiliki dampak besar di dunia, dan dalam diri kita sendiri.

Dampak pada kita adalah kebahagiaan. Kerna kita membuat hidup orang lain tambah membaik.Setiap usaha kebaikan kita mempunyai nilai, akan dibalas Tuhan. Orang akan mengembalikan kepada kita dengan senyuman dan berterima kasih yang membuatkan kita rasa amat dihargai. Tetapi tidak seperti kebahagiaan dari lawak jenaka atau lebih banyak uang, kebahagiaan yang dari kita menyumbangkan waktu dan kebaikan kita tidak kembali dengan cara kita mengharapkan pembalasan.Akan tetapi ia akan dibalas Tuhan dalam cara yang paling terbaik dan tanpa kita sadari.

Kebahagiaan kita dapat dari seorang kenalan yang mengungkapkan bunga di tempat kerja kita, karena kita pernah menolong mereka.Kebahagiaan datang.Saat kita perlukan pertolongan,tanpa diduga sekumpulan ramai teman datang membantu kerna kita pernah membantu mereka sebelum ini.

Kebahagian datang bila kita menemukan kebolehan dalam berbuat sesuatu,setelah sekian waktu yg lama kita secara sukarela membantu walaupun pekerjaan itu pada awalya sangat sulit buat kita.Tapi akhirnya ia memberikan kita ilmu & skill yang baru buat diri kita.

Kebahagiaan datang tanpa kita duga.Menerima senyuman orang asing karena kita tanpa mengetahui/sadar sedang tersenyum kepada mereka.

Kebahagian datang,bukan kerna kesedihan atau marah itu hilang tetapi kerana kita mahu melupakan dengan ikhlas dan pandang pada masa depan.

Kebahagiaan terdapat dari menyadari bahwa waktu kita ialah kita, dan bahwa kita sedang menggunakannya untuk membuat bertahan sampai akhir membuat perubahan…

Kebahagiaan datang kerna kita bisa berbuat baik pada diri kita sendiri tanpa merasa bersalah,kerna kita juga berbuat baik pada orang lain setiap masa

Terima Kasih Tuhan yang Maha Baik Hati lagi menemukan kami sekeluarga sama Abangda Alib Abdul Muthalib,yang banyak membantu kami dalam urusan kebahagian “Rumah Tangga” & hal-hal yang lain untuk menjalani hidup, yang pasti kita capai kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat.Mengingatkan saya betapa pentingnya komunikasi yg efektif.

 Kindness+ Time=lasting happiness 

We all strive for happiness. In our Marriage,relationship, jobs, in our hobbies, in our lives.

But if happiness is so important, why is it so fleeting?

I hear a good joke and laugh. But it doesn’t last. We’re happy to get a raise. But it doesn’t last. We read an inspiring blog, feel motivated, happy to make a difference. But it doesn’t last.

So how do I turn fleeting happiness into lasting happiness? In my opinion that it comes from giving two things simultaneously, time and kindness.

Time – For the past year, I have been undertaking a personal challenge to give my time everyday, going above and beyond my normal routines to give back to the people in my home, neighborhood, community and the world. Over the years of giving my time has taught me that the more time I invest in the people around me, the more their lives are improved and the more sense of purpose and direction I have. It has changed me deeply.

Kindness – Kindness is the art of giving to others as well. it is giving my attention, giving a smile, or giving an ear. It means plugging a parking meter for a stranger. It means generosity. It means selflessness. It means listening when no one else will listen. Like listening to a lady sitting in a mall by herself.

When you give your time and when you are kind, you are investing in people. You are investing in the happiness of others. And that investment is magnified when you give more of your time to being kind.The time you invest is the difference between feeding one mouth, or twenty. It is the difference between donating a few vegetables from your garden, or donating many vegetables by serving in a community garden. It is the difference between giving a kind word, or listening to someone’s story for an hour.Kindness is magnified by the time you invest. The more time you give, the kinder you are, the bigger impact you will have on the world, and on ourself.

The impact on you is happiness. Knowing that you are making a difference, that your efforts have value, will reward you. People will give back to you smiles and gratitude which give us a feeling of worth.

But unlike the happiness from a good joke or more money, the happiness that comes from giving your time and kindness does not come back in ways you expect. It comes back in better, unexpected ways.

Happiness comes as an unexpected smile from a stranger because you are unknowingly smiling at them.

Happiness comes from an acquaintance expressing interest in your work, because you helped them with theirs.

Happiness comes when you need help, and suddenly, an army of people comes to your aid because you had helped them before.

Happiness comes from discovering a new skill, cultivated over time, by volunteering for something that initially challenged you.

Happiness comes, not because sadness and anger go away completely, but because you learn to look past it to next day.

Happiness comes from realizing that your time is yours, and that you are using it to make lasting change in the world.

Happiness comes because you can be kind to yourself without guilt because everyday you are kind to others.

Happiness comes in an untroubled night’s sleep which come more and more frequently.

And on and on and on …I will never give up….I will Survive I will Survive

May our happines last forever.Amin.

Saya sayang anak-anak saya…Photo Taken By Bonda Jasmin Ahmad

May our happines last forever.Amin. Thank you, B for working together to improve our self. Not better than anyone else but better than our self before.Love you as always and always 😀

My dear beloved children …Amiel Hakim,Aidan Uziel and Ainun Rina Baba & Mama want you to know there was a reason why you are here in this world. And you have to find out what that reason is for yourself. •Baba and Mama will teach you how to pray/meditate. •Baba and Mama Never, Ever want you to worry about making a living. If you unable to make a living when you grow up. Baba and Mama will provide for you, so don’t you worry about that. •Baba and Mama don’t want you to focus on doing well in school. •Baba and Mama don’t want you to focus on getting the best grade or going to the best colleges. •What Baba and Mama really want you to focus on is “Asking yourself how you can Serve Humanity, and Asking yourself what your Unique Talents is. Because each of you have a Unique Talent that No One Else Has and you have a Special Way of Expressing that Talent, and No One Else has it. FOCUS ON WHAT YOU ARE HERE TO GIVE Love you all always Baba And Mama

I love myself, I love My Husband, I love My Children, I love My Family and Sibling, Above All I love Allah,The All Might. SAYA SAYANG TUHAN…Amin.

The Secret,daily teaching…

To allow the Universe to move you in your life to happier and better things, you are going to need to look around you and appreciate the good things here and now. Seek the beautiful things and count the blessings of where you are. Dissatisfaction will not bring the happier and the better into your life. Dissatisfaction roots you to the spot where you currently are, but appreciation for what you have attracts the happier and better to you.
Remember that you are a magnet! Appreciation attracts appreciation! From The Secret Daily Teachings by Rhonda Byrne
To allow the Universe to move you in your life to happier and better things, you are going to need to look around you and appreciate the good things here and now. Seek the beautiful things and count the blessings of where you are. Dissatisfaction will not bring the happier and the better into your life. Dissatisfaction roots you to the spot where you currently are, but appreciation for what you have attracts the happier and better to you.<br /><br />
Remember that you are a magnet! Appreciation attracts appreciation! From The Secret Daily Teachings by @[151434788255712:274:Rhonda Byrne]

Everytime I am starting to get stress or angry with my children. I visualized….

If I was sitting at a funeral ( myself funeral) and my children want to speak about me.

I want their life to represent the victory of teaching, training, and disciplining with love and affection during the entire period of yers rather than the battle scar quick fix skirmishes.

I want my chidren heart and mind filled with sweet memories, meaningful together. I want my children remembrance of me as a loving mother who shared the joy and pain of growing up.Remembrance I want them, whenever they come to me with problems and concerns.I want to listen, to love and help my children. I want my children to know I’m not perfect, but I had tried with all the effort that I have, maybe I have give more than anyone else in this world, I really love my children.I cherish my children. I love them, I want to help them. I appreciate my role as a mother.

Saya selalu membayangkan (Saat saya stress atau hendak marah dengan anak-anak saya)

Jika saya sedang duduk di pemakaman (pengebumian) saya sendiri dan anak-anak saya hendak berbicara (berucap) tentang saya.

Saya ingin hidup mereka untuk mewakili kemenangan pengajaran, pelatihan dan mendisiplinkan dengan cinta & kasih sayang selama tempoh tahun daripada bekas luka pertengkaran utk perbaikan cepat. (rather than battle scars of quick fix skirmishes)

Saya ingin hati dan pikiran anak2x sy diisi dengan kenangan manis, bermakna bersama-sama. Saya ingin anak2x mengingati saya sebagai seorang ibu yang penuh kasih yang berbagi kegembiraan dan rasa sakit dalam pertumbuhan utk menjadi dewasa.

Sy ingin mereka mengingati saya,setiap kali mereka datang kepada saya dengan masalah mereka.Saya ingin mendengarkan,mencintai dan membantu anak2x saya . Saya ingin anak2x sy tahu saya tidak sempurna, namun saya telah mencoba dengan semua daya usaha yang saya ada, mungkin saya telah memberi lebih dari siapa pun di dunia ini, Saya sangat mencintai anak-anak saya.

Saya menghargai anak-anak saya. Saya mencintai mereka, saya ingin membantu mereka. Saya menghargai peranan saya sebagai seorang ibu.

Dengan izin Tuhan dan doa ikhlas tanpa henti dari teman-teman dan saudara ,pasti saya boleh. Amin.